New shade of lux asia europe
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Nowadays, when someone asks what luxury is, there is never an identical answer. It’s indulging in an extravagant hotel with personal butler service, some say. Or browsing a private gallery, its walls lined with stunning artworks only a select few can enjoy. Others will disagree. It’s exploring pristine jungles alongside elephants and their decades-trained mahouts through jungles, and getting eye-to-eye with one of the largest land creatures in Asia. Or it’s hovering in a helicopter, hundreds of meters above a vineyard at dawn, with a bottle of chilled champagne awaiting below. What’s certain is luxury is as individual as the different shades in a rich tapestry… and each shade is beautifully represented in Thailand’s array of top-notch offerings. In the past few decades, thanks to governmental efforts, the Kingdom of Thailand has developed its luxury offerings even further. A bevy of rare experiences is on offer. Whether you yearn for the exclusivity of a yacht or private jet-only destination, an unforgettable cultural experience, or the most scrumptious haute cuisine – it’s available here, and in spades. Inside this volume are carefully curated lists of luxury accommodations and restaurants, insider tips on getting the most out of this journey, and inspiring itineraries to get you off on the right foot. By your journey’s end, you’ll have cherished the way Thailand’s regional cuisines play with the principles of its four flavors. You’ll travelled from artisanal workshops in forest retreats to high-tech urban spa treatments. You’ll have taken a dip at your private beach at twilight and touched the dawn sky from a hot air balloon. What are you waiting for? Your luxe Thailand journey begins here.